
Canada Best Credit Cards Compared

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | 1 Comment

The number of people who are looking for as many ways to save money as possible is increasing. Yet, most of these people continue to use the same credit card they have had for years. Many times, switching to a new credit card can enable them to save as much as possible based on the amount of money they’re spending each month and how they’re spending the money. When a person is looking for the best credit card canada 2015, they’re going to want to look at the category that fits their spending habits.


Credit card – Which Bank card is the Most Generous ?

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

Even though the global economy took a bit of a hit a few years ago, slowly, the economy has begun to recover. There are many different signs of this recovery, but one of the areas where the recovery seems the most robust is with banks that issue credit cards. Over the years, this area has improved greatly. This has benefited the banks, individuals currently using credit cards or looking for a new account and it is benefited the economy as well. However, many people ask the same question, when it comes to a Credit card – Which Bank card is the most Generous ?

canada best place to live

Canada best place to live ?

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

Many people who already live in Canada or are planning to move to Canada are wondering where in Canada best place to live ? The canada best place to live depends on a variety of factors, but most people will agree there are a few places that stand out amongst the rest. Below are a few of the top places a person might want to live in Canada and what makes them unique.

car loan

What Are the Advantage of Taking a Car Loan in Canada?

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

The truth of getting a car loan exists somewhere between “never” and “always.” There is no objective valuation of when a loan is better than cash, but there are some ideas that could help push someone towards a direction that works for them. Though the common argument is that cash is better, there are some flaws to the idea.


Top 3 Reasons Why Budgets Fails

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

Keeping a budget is never easy. It takes practice, discipline, and a bit of agreement with everyone living in the home. below are the three main reasons budgets rarely stick anymore.


How to Save Money on Children’s Clothes?

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

Household budgets need to be cut, and children’s clothes fit right into the monthly budget. Thankfully, there are options for parents to seriously roll back their clothing budget. Explore these three ideas to save money on children’s clothes.

cash loans

Advantages of using cash loans online

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

With numerous opportunities to apply for cash loans online, one may think these types of loans must be a great way to get out of a poor financial situation. In some cases, there are some advantages that may be worth looking into. You should research carefully for the terms of repayment, but there is surely one that will be able to help in your situation. Plain and simple, these types of loans are easily acquired by just about anyone because the lenders want to lend the money.