saving plan

Build a Saving Plan that Fits You

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

It’s surprising how many people live paycheck to paycheck. Unfortunately, this isn’t relegated to only the middle class. There are many wealthy people that see their money go away as quickly as it comes in. That’s why building a savings plan is an effective strategy for saving money as well as learning valuable financial lessons. These lessons can be helpful to anyone if any financial station. Here are a few tips on developing a saving plan.


Is Your Mortgage Robbing Your Retirement?

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

When a person wants to purchase a home, they will more than likely have to look for mortgage. Unfortunately, many people end up paying more for a home than they should. However, this may not have to do with the cost of the home but more in terms of the numbers behind a monthly payment. Many investment experts are sounding the warning that mortgages are taking a big bite into people’s retirement efforts. In fact, sometimes there are no retirement efforts going on at all.

account for couple

Choosing the Best Account for your Couple

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

Being in a couple or getting married may not be easy sometimes but adding the stress of finding a suitable bank account for the both of you can prove to be a challenge. There is a grand debate whether to get a joint bank account with your partner or not. There are pros and cons for both sides. The trick is to get all the information and decide what is best for your relationship.

financially independant

7 Steps to Become Financially Independent

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

Being financially independent is something that many people dream of. Unfortunately, financial independence can be rather elusive. Many people feel that they have to be wealthy to enjoy this sort of independence. Fortunately, whether a person makes $50,000 or $5 million annually, there are basic tips that can help anyone achieve financial independence

food expense

5 Habits to Reduce Your Food Expenses

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

No one will question the fact that buying food for the household can get complicated. Along with figuring out what to buy, there is the matter of keeping the cost within reason. By choosing to develop some basic habits related to the task of buying groceries, it will be possible to keep those food expenses within a range that the individual can afford.

financial habits

7 Financial Habits of Highly Successful People

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

here are financial habits that can help a person earn wealth. However, financially successful people tend to do things differently. The habits developed by the wealthy can be used by anyone who’s looking to be financially successful. Here are a few of them.

average budget

The Average Budget of a 50k Household

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

There was a time when a $50,000 annual household budget made it possible for a small family to live comfortably. Unfortunately, that is not the case anymore. Despite this now being the median income more are struggling to get by now than at any time since the Great Depression. To understand the problem it is necessary to discover what The average budget looks like.