
Canadians Less Confident in Finances Heading Into future

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

Despite the fact that the majority of Canadian residents are feeling confident about their savings and income, the percentage of those who are concerned remains higher than in previous years.

The numbers shift depending on where in the country people are surveyed, but consistently the average citizen is slightly less comfortable with their own financial security than they have been in the past.


Keep More Cash In Your Pocket in 2016

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

As people get older, saving more cash 2016 and living sustainably has become more meaningful for a variety of reasons. The recent economic crisis has limited people’s life choices, and it has forced them to reevaluate their finances and saving patterns.

Learning to manage finances benefits everyone, and it is relatively easy to start. Below, readers will find some money-saving tips that they can apply today, tomorrow, and for life.


Groceries Will Be Even More Expensive in 2016

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

Canadian households will be hit by yet more increases in food costs in 2016. Experts are predicting that the increase of food pricing in 2015 will continue into 2016.

The University of Guelph’s Food Institute experts are predicting that Canadian families who were forced to spend an additional $325.00 in 2015 will now have to pay an additional increase of about $345.00 in 2016 for groceries they purchase.


Why Writing a Budget Should Be Your 2016 Resolution

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

Most Americans (and indeed, most people throughout the world) make New Years resolutions. Some people let their imaginations run wild, wishing to win the lottery or otherwise get richly quickly, get a priced possession they cannot yet afford, repair a broken relationship, or suddenly become happy.

While these are worthy goals (and things every truly deserves), there is sometimes very little thought behind making these wishes a reality. The truth is, New Year’s resolutions are not letters to Santa Clause; they must be worked at!


Which Canadian City Has The Most Expensive Day Care?

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

Canadian two-earner families are facing a serious crisis concerning daycare costs for their children. The Canadian center For Policy Alternatives has reported that no less than 27 Canadian cities have experienced a five percent increase in day care costs since last year.

Day care rates going up so fast hurt the cash-strapped Canadian working families. Some families are having to consider the cost effectiveness of that second income, especially if there are more than one child in the family needing day care.


Decade by Decade Guide to Building Your Wealth

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

Preparing financially for retirement can seem a daunting task for anyone, especially when many financial experts recommend having nearly one million dollars available when you reach retirement age.

However, if you’re careful and deliberate about it, building your wealth so that you can retire comfortably isn’t difficult. You just need to start early and follow some guidelines throughout each decade of your life.


Some Old Toys are Worth a Fortune

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

For many, old toys bring in more than just fantastic memories. While a toy might remind a person of the childhood they had and the fun times they had with family and friends, some of the toys sitting up in the attic or packed away in boxes might actually be worth a little bit of money. In fact, if they’re in great condition or still in the original box, they could be worth thousands.

Some of the toys a person might have that could be worth quite a bit are below. Take a look through your childhood and see if there’s any memories that could net you a little bit of extra cash.