Saving money while eating healthy

Seven Tips on How to Save Money While Eating Healthy

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

Despite common misconceptions, it isn’t necessary to spend a lot of money to be healthy. In fact, there are plenty of healthy foods in grocery stores that don’t cost a lot. These tips will help you eat foods that are good for you but don’t cost a fortune. By investing some time in planning meals and involving the entire family in the decisions so they are sure to love what is served, you can make the most of your food budget and know you are feeding your family food that is good for them. If you want to know How to save money while being healthy, check out these tips that have helped many families just like yours.


How to save money on your summer vacation

Eight Ways to Save Money on Your Summer Vacation

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

Are you looking for tips on how to save money on your summer vacation? Many people are at this time, as they want to make the most of the cash they have reserved for this purpose. Others do so to put less on their credit cards. Regardless of why you are looking to save money on your vacation this summer, the following tips will be of great help. The more tips you use, the more you can save.


Learn more about credit cards

Eight Things You Did Not Know About Credit Cards

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

Have you cut up your credit cards? Did you grow up being told that having a credit card leads you down a path of lifetime debt? If you avoid credit cards at all costs, now is the time to reconsider applying for this type of credit. Following are some surprising facts about credit cards that many consumers are not aware of.


featured plane and yachts captaincash

Astonishing Private Jets & Yachts #5 is breath taking

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

When you have the means, traveling in luxury is more than a convenience. It is an essential that focuses and centers you. It allows you to perform better on the job and in every other aspect life.
Below is a review of the ten best Private Jets and Yachts (five apiece) that currently exist. Each of these luxury items will highlight one of nine exemplary elements: speed (used twice), amenities. convenience, style, speed, size, luxury, comfort, utility, and entertainment.

How Canadians Can Help Syrian Refugees

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

Being displaced from a home can be terrible and emotionally upsetting. In some cases, a family can lose everything except the clothes on their back. The refugees from Syria are currently suffering these types of problems and more. They are not only displaced from their homes, they are displaced from their homeland and the area they were familiar with.

There are many organizations that are currently assisting the syrian refugees, and citizens can do more to make this transition for them easier. Although there are very few citizens who can afford to fully support a refugee family with all of their expenses, they can get involved in other ways.


Helpful Tips for Saving Money in School

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

Post-secondary studies can take their toll on a person’s finances. Though pursuing a degree can later bring higher levels of income, that does not help the struggling student who is doing all they can to keep their head above water.

It is crucial post-secondary students remember every dollar they are able to avoid spending during their education pursuit will be one less dollar they will owe once they receive their degree and begin their career.

With this information, students can learn some easy tips they can put in place to save money in school so they are able to start their future with success instead of stress.


Debt Check Up: Are You at Risk If Interest Rates Rise?

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

With lenders anticipating increases in interest rates over the coming months, it’s important that everyone carefully examines their debt load to determine how any increase in interest rates charged will impact them.

Since different types of debt will almost certainly experience increases, those carrying those types of debt should carefully consider how they’ll deal with an increase in the amount they are expected to pay.