
How To Save Money On Sports Equipment

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

Parents with children who love sports are always trying to save money on sports equipment. Saving money is always a good thing for parents wanting available cash to go further. Those in charge of children’s and teen’s sports teams also need to save money on sports equipment to get teams well equipped on small budgets. After all the fees are collected from parents and the fundraisers have collected what additional money they could, equipment must be purchased at the best prices possible.

How to be Smart With Your Financial Planning

How to be Smart With Your Financial Planning

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

The team at Captain Cash has seen families go from saving a couple hundred dollars a year to saving thousands and more. There was no huge pay raise, no lottery win, and no momentous changes to anyone involved. It requires a few small adjustments, compounded over the year, to make a new financial effort feasible. Consider buying more used items to shave off in every area, and create a budget that makes just enough sacrifices without going overboard.

Income Taxes: Transform Non-Deductible Interest

Income Taxes: Transform Non-Deductible Interest

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | 4 Comments

A lot of personal debt that consumers are paying for is considered non-deductible. Many are paying interest on credit cards, car payments, etc. The interest that is still considered a deductible is your home mortgage interest, and investment interest. Each year, if you are paying substantial interest you may want to consider converting your non-deductible interest into interest that is deductible.

4 tips for a better retirement

4 Tips for a better retirement

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

For many people, Social Security payments for retirement will equate to a significant part of their income. While this income may only measure up to about a quarter of an individuals wages before retirement, it can be a very important aspect of a comfortable financial retirement. However, the best way to maximize Social Security benefits is to wait until the age of 70 to file for these benefits. This is typically when the amount of the benefit will max out. It is, however, important to determine how a person can bridge the retirement financial gap, and wait as late as possible to file for Social Security benefits. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

7 ways to save on taxes while unemployed

7 Ways to Save on Taxes While Unemployed

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

Americans are slowly coming out of “crisis mode” as the economy improves, but some people are still dealing with unemployment. Thankfully, the US government isn’t as cruel as some may have been led to believe, where unemployment is concerned. Below are seven Captain Cash approved ways to save on taxes while unemployed.

the financial aspect of death

The Financial Aspect of Death

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

The death of a loved one is a difficult time to endure as your head and heart are never prepared for the loss. In addition to the grief of missing a deceased loved one is being responsible for the financial arrangements as well as funeral provisions for the deceased. Although talking to a loved one about this subject may seem morbid, planning ahead can minimize family strain as you prepare to settle the numerous matters than need to be sorted. Pick a day to sit down with your loved one and figure out what they want and how they want it structured. Be open with them when you are discussing the matter as there are a number of things to discuss financially.


Supporting a Loved-one: The financial help Available

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

A loved one who is elderly, becomes sick or is diagnosed with any kind of mental illness or disability is never an easy responsibility to commit to. Of course when it comes down to it, you most probably will assume the responsibility, however there are many factors to realize when accepting the role as caretaker. As it seems to go with many other things in life, a big amount of stress is directed towards finding a manageable way to pay the extra bills as well as maintain your income, after all, you will be not only supporting yourself, but supporting another adult who may not have an income or has not much of a savings habit.