Online loans in London

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$500 cash loan today?

Captain Cash Advisor
Ophelia Simard Captain Cash Advisor
Contact me1-888-226-1026

London, a must visit destination for fun and relaxation!

Come experience a city that loves to laugh and live! London is a place where you can find pristine natural conservation areas and spectacular parkland. Here, Captain Cash is pleased to offer his services to people looking for a quick loan.

Want to enjoy a sporting event at the Budweiser Gardens with your best buddies, or have a spectacular view of London on a hot air balloon at Sundance Balloons with your loved one? Fill your wallet with the help or Captain Cash and you are ready for great adventures!

Captain Cash quick, easy and simple

It's quick, easy and simple.


Paperless ApplicationPaperless Application!
No Credit CheckNo Credit Check!
Quick approvalQuick approval
Headache freeHeadache free
Captain Cash Application form Complete the easy application Form
Claim your cash

Smart Loans In London
Interac® e-Transfer

The fastest way to receive your money!

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*Available for our Existing client

They helped me get back on track when I had financial problems. Would recommend their services to anyone!

Rating Icon • Queenie from LondonOntario, Canada

Shopping : one of our favorite activities in London

Our statistics reveals that our customers in London mainly use their loans for shopping and dining! They sure know how to enjoy life!

More than
635satisfied customers Captain Cash Satisfied customer
Captain Cash Statistics
52%women 48%men
Captain Cash Satisfied customer

Why I love London

Where family fun begins - London Ontario Canada

London has a lot to offer. For people who enjoy the outdoors, I would recommend Springbank Park. It has many amazing trails that offer great sceneries. The park is excellent for walking, biking and jogging. If you have kids, they will certainly enjoy the water park!


We do loan in London and much more.

Whenever you are in Guelph, Windsor, Mississauga, Hamilton... do not hesitate to claim your cash today!