credit score

Credit score: how to keep it good

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | 1 Comment

If you ever borrowed money to buy a car or a house or if you simply have a credit card then you have a credit report and thus a credit score. The later is a mathematical formula that translates the content of your credit report into a score that is used by lenders to take decision anytime you apply for a credit.


Men vs Women

Men vs Women: different in money management?

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

We all know that men and women are biologically different but we can wonder if those differences can also apply in money management. Who spends the most? Who is more prepared for the future? Does the fact that women are still less paid that men influences the way they manage money?
Find out more below and discover some advice to manage the household money as a couple with differences.


emergency fund

How to manage a financial emergency

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

We never know what could happen in life. You could lose your job, break your car, have a leak in your house or unexpected medical spending. All those surprises can have a subsequent impact on your budget especially if you could not put money aside during the year.


save money on halloween

Trick or treat: 7 money hacks to save on Halloween

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

According to Celtic beliefs, spirits and the dead can cross over into the world of the living only on October 31st. To avoid that, people started to dress up as ghosts and spirits to fool the real ones. Nowadays, Halloween is essentially a celebration where people have fun hunting for candies, carving pumpkins and dressing up. Discover how you can celebrate it without emptying your wallet.


medical bills

How to save on medical bills

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

In average, a Canadian spends more than $2,000 each year in medical care. Even if you do have a good medical insurance, medical bills can blow up your budget. However, it is a non-negotiable expense to which you will be confronted throughout your whole life. In order to stay healthy even if you don’t have much money, here are some advice for you to spend less.


save money on pets

12 simple ways to save money on your pets

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

Did you know that there are 5.9 million dogs and 7.9 million cats in Canada? Whether you have a fury ball of love, a fish, a ferret, a bird or a snake, taking care of your pets can costs you a lot of money especially when they get sick. Here are some tips that can help you saving money while taking great care of your companion.


black friday

Black Friday: 10 tips to really save money

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

The Black Friday sales, inherited by our American neighbors, are a good way to save money on Christmas gifts. On the day after the American Thanksgiving (November 25th), most major retailers will offer very interesting discounts on many different products such as phones, TV’s, clothes, accessories … But to be sure that this exceptional day really is a good thing for your wallet, you need to follow certain rules.
