Quick Loans Online in Canada

How to Get a Quick Loan Online on the Same Day in Canada?

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

When you’re looking for instant cash payday loans, you’re essentially applying for short term loans that are usually taken to get out of rough spots. Before you apply for a short term loan, you need to know the process and the basics that go behind payday loans.

How Can People with No Credit History Get Cash Loans?

How Can People with No Credit History Get Cash Loans?

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

When it comes to personal loans, people are gravitating towards it more than before because of its accessibility and no-credit-history policy. This loan has struck a chord with the youth, especially those who have never taken a loan previously and have no credit score, to begin with. When you work with trusty lenders in Canada like Captain Cash, then you will gain a loan in no time.

When to Use Cash Advance Loans

When and When Not to Use Cash Advance Loans

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

A sudden cash crunch is a recurring problem that most independent adults have to deal with regularly. On top of it, if your credit score is poor, you cannot even apply for a loan or a credit card to manage your situation. Cash Advance Loans are your solution in times like these. You can instantly apply for cash loans and get them approved to receive money into your bank account.

Taking Payday Loans in Canada affect the Credit Score

Does Taking a payday Loans in Canada Affect the Credit Score?

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

Payday loans are short term and high-interest loans. They are generally taken for small amounts that include $500 or less. They are given for personal reasons and to connect the gap between paychecks. Payday loans are great for meeting any emergency expenses. You need to have some knowledge of short term loan plans when applying for payday loans.

Five Viral Payday Loan Myths Busted

Five Viral Payday Loan Myths Busted

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

Most online payday loans lend you instant money even without checking your credit score which means, even if you have made poor financial choices in the past, instant online loans still give you a chance to make up for it. Some people think that instant loans are too good to be true because of the fast and hassle-free process. Today we give you real insight into instant loans as we bust the most popular payday loan myths.