
Debt Repayment Mistakes You’re Probably Making

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

Everyone will incur some type of debt at some point in their lives. It is almost impossible to avoid. Having debt is not necessarily a bad thing, it is how Debt repayment is handled that makes the difference. There are ways for people to repay loans and credit card debt that will benefit them better than other methods. Unfortunately, a large percentage of people are paying back their debt incorrectly.


How to Build an Emergency Fund?

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

How are families building their emergency funds? It takes a bit of discipline and the ability to set in motion a great new habit. A priority must be set on taking money and adding it to a savings. Will a bill not be met? That should not happen because the amount should be very fair. It should account for variables. One of the most effective methods to build an emergency fund is to create a saving habit- never falter and stick to it.


Where Does Your Money Go?

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

As time progresses priorities change. The way money was spent in the past is not the same as it is spent today. When the cost of items rise or decline adjustments are made to household budgets. Sometimes individuals are aware of these changes. Knowing where your money goes can help to maintain a workable budget.


The 25 Wealthiest Canadians Exposed

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

Canada has managed to provide some fantastic businessmen and women. Canadian Business has exposed the 25 richest Wealthiest Canadians for the new year, and the list includes some notable exceptions. Read the full line-up below.


Best Retail Reward Credit Cards rogers

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | 1 Comment

Individuals want the most for their money, and retail reward credit cards allow them to make the most of every dollar they spend. These types of cards are designed for those who are loyal to a company or brand and those who spend a certain amount each month. Following are some of the top cards that fall into this category.


The Real Cost Of Transferring Medical Records

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

It used to be that when you needed your medical records, you just went to your doctor’s office and requested them. If your doctor referred you to a specialist, your records were sent to that doctor’s office so that he could review them and give you better treatment. If you moved, you just requested that your records be sent to the doctor in the new area. Not anymore.


Top 3 Holiday Shopping Apps

Published by Captain Cash | Financial | No Comments

The simple truth about the fall and winter holidays is that they are a hectic time for everyone. Between decorating the home, traveling to see family members, and shopping for holiday gifts, it can often seem that this time of the year entails nonstop chaos.